
All-round Development, Practical Exploration and International Comparison


In the summer of 2018, with the support of the university, more than 70 students from QMES went to world-famous universities and international institutions such as Cambridge University, Oxford University, the University of Exeter,the University of Tokyo, St. Peter's Polytechnic University in St. Petersburg, Lignan University in Hong Kong, the International Labor Organization Training Center in Turin, Italy, and the QMUL, to deepen their understanding in continuous exploration and investigate Chinese characteristics and international comparisons in a multicultural context.

Standing on the Shoulders of Giants and Feeling the Academic Atmosphere - Cambridge University Summer School

From July 26th to August 16th, 2018, 17 students of QMES conducted a three-week study and practice at Cambridge University, fully experiencing the 800 years profound history of Cambridge as well as its primitive and traditional humanistic atmosphere and the strong academic atmosphere.

Only when study in Cambridge can one truly understand what it means to "stand on the shoulders of giants", and this experience is quite solid. In Cambridge, students searched for the traces of great scientists who had appeared in textbooks. Newton, Darwin, Cavendish, Thomson, Maxwell and other great scholars all stopped at Cambridge.

During this summer academic exchange program in Cambridge, the cultural atmosphere is the most intoxicating for students. The old buildings and churches throughout Cambridge are the best speakers of Cambridge culture. Students learned the atmosphere and traditions of Cambridge in many aspects through the Fellows' activity, Ceilidh and Formal Dinner, especially the humility and friendliness Shared by Chinese and English cultures.

Apart from the cultural experience, the most exciting part of the Cambridge program is the course and seminars. During the summer school, students learned and studied machine learning and algorithms in Semi-conductor Engineering, Nanotechnology and Data Mining respectively in the courses of Prof. Andrew Flewitt, Prof. Colm Durkan and Dr. Pietro Lio through various forms of large-class lecture, small-class investigation and group discussion.

Deep Learning for Subject Knowledge and Accumulating Power for Development - Herford Summer School, Oxford University

On July 14, 2018, Miss Sun Yutong of QMES attended the summer school at Herford College, Oxford, to feel the charm of the collision of British culture, to study academic knowledge in depth, and to accumulate strength for internationalizaed development .

During her stay in Oxford, Sun Yutong had a full study and communication with students from all over the world, further understood British history and culture and improved her English academic ability. Under the guidance of the English teacher, the students learned Old English in Shakespeare's time and tried to write sentences in Old English, which was very interesting. Under the guidance of volunteers, students met with the library and entered Herford's underground library to explore the charm of ancient law, philosophy, history, geography, biology and biography. In the communication with students from all over the world, students not only felt the unique charm of Chinese culture, but also realized the cultural commonality and consistency.

On August 18, students from QMES and students from other schools of NPU began a two-week trip to Oxford to look ahead to the summer program. During the ice-breaking activity, Prof. Graham Richards warmly introduced the history of Oxford University to the students, which contributed to their further understanding.

In Oxford, students took lectures on theoretical physics and energy dynamics, and had a deeper understanding of these two aspects.In addition to the theoretical lectures, the students also visited the Morgan Motors Factory and Shakespeare's birthplace, Warwickshire, Stratford-upon-Avon, and Shakespeare's former residence and learned aboutmany of his works. In the immortal words of Shakespeare, they learned the glorious history of English literature and drama.

This trip to Oxford has broadened the horizons of students, enriched their knowledge, increased their life experience, harvested precious friendship, brought new hopes and goals to students' lives, and become an unforgettable memory in their hearts.

Focusing on New Energy Research to Help Sustainable Development - University of Exeter Summer School, UK

From July 14 to July 27, 2018, the first NPU-Exeter Summer School was successfully held in the University of Exeter. During the two-week summer study at the two campuses of the University of Exeter, Mr. Wang Jinbo and Miss Lu Lingtian of QMES, together with other students, thoroughly experienced the British education and teaching model and felt the exotic culture actually.

On the morning of July 16, at the Penn Campus of the University of Exeter, the Dean of the New Energy College and the teachers expressed their welcome to the NPU’s students and had a cordial conversation with the students. In the following five days, Exeter's professors gave a lot of lectures and seminars on renewable energy such as solar energy, wind energy and tidal energy.

In addition to the theoretical course, the students also visited the University of Exeter's biological laboratory and energy research room, and saw a variety of animal and plant specimens and living bodies, as well as a variety of Cornish traditional ore. In the experimental course, the students experienced welding solar panels and testing of solar panels related data, which made a more intuitive and in-depth understanding of solar power generation, and deepened the students' awareness of using renewable energy to reduce environmental pollution.

The two-week summer school exercised the students' ability to communicate in English and broaden the international horizons of the students. The students found their own way through this activity, dreaming in the distance and walking step by step.

Exploring the East Asian Neighbor and Creating a Craftsmanship Spirit - Japan Summer Training Program

On July 23, 2018, the “Japan Summer Training Program” of Northwestern Polytechnical University officially kicked off. Mr. Yang Zhiyuan of QMES, embarked on a short-term trip to Japan, harvesting friendships, gaining knowledge and harvesting.


In the short fourteen days, the students have experienced the charm of cities such as Tokyo, Kyoto and Osaka. The students visited the University of Tokyo and learned about autonomous driving, smart city, and robot-related knowledge, came to Tokyo University of Science to learn about the current status of employment in Japan. They visited the Saitama University of Technology and experienced the mystery of materials. In addition, the students also visited famous places such as Ueno National Museum, Future Science Museum, Tokyo TV Tower and Sensoji Temple.

During their visit to the University of Tokyo, students were honoured to receive a course from the University of Tokyo, where they discussed the differences in social structure between China and Japan, the study of Japanese self-driving cars and the current state of the Japanese smart community. The students fully realized the developed technology level in Japan and the unremitting pursuit of energy conservation, emission reduction and protection of the ecological environment. Finally, the students also listened to the study abroad life and research experience of several foreign students in Tokyo University, which further aroused the enthusiasm of everyone to study hard and the determination to participate in scientific research.

On July 27th, the students came to Saitama University of Technology, took the driverless car developed by Saitama University of Technology, and visited the research room under the leadership of the president of Saitama University of Technology. It is worth mentioned that the president of Saitama University of Technology is the only Chinese president of university in Japan.

During the Japanese summer training, the students felt the humility and craftsmanship of the Japanese, the high level of robotics and automation in Japan, and Japan's relentless pursuit of ecological protection. As college students in the new era, students have expressed their desire to establish a sense of globalization, study hard, strive for all opportunities to go outside, learn the advanced aspects of other countries, open up their horizons, increase our knowledge, and construct a more powerful and beautiful motherland!

Exploring the Footprints of Academicians and Understanding the Basic Sciences - St. Peter's Polytechnic University Summer School

On August 11, 2018, Mr. Liu Shubo from QMES, together with other students from the NPU of St. Peter's University of Technology Summer school, flew from Xi'an to St. Petersburg, the easternmost part of the Gulf of Finland.

Peterthe Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University (Санкт-Петербургский государственный политехнический университет) was founded in 1899, also known as "St. Petersburg State Polytechnic University" and "Leningrad Institute of Technology", where once educatedthe Megère Academician Fu, Academician Fu Hengzhi, Academician Gao Jingde and three other Nobel laureates. And it has also participated in the development of the first artificial satellite of mankind.

Duringtheirtime in St. Petersburg, students were fortunate to listen to courses from professors from different universities, including energy introduction, introduction to turbine development, computational fluid dynamics and measurement methods in steam turbines, wind turbines, and steam turbines. They also met students from all over the world.

In addition, the students visited Siemens' steam turbine plant on the outskirts of St. Petersburg, the assembly workshop of the world's most advanced million-kilowatt steam turbines, witnessed the stacking and installation of turbine blades from blade finishing to blade discs, the entire assembly process of the steam turbine and the understanding of an intermediate intake steam turbine.

The students also visited the Leningradskaya Nuclear Power Plant in southwestern St. Petersburg to learn about the basic conditions and basic operating procedures of the nuclear power plant No. 5 reactor under construction, and deeply experienced the beauty of the industry.

During the three-week study at Peter the Great Polytechnic University in St. Petersburg, the students realized the connotation of “Reading thousands of books and traveling thousands of miles” and had a close contact with the world's most advanced science and technology, and practiced the essence of learning.

Sunlight Illuminates Dreams, Culture Leads to the Future - Hong Kong LignanUniversity Sunshine International Exchange Camp Project

From July 15th to July 21st, 2018, Sunshine International Exchange Camp was successfully held at Lignan University in Hong Kong. 21 students from NPU went to Hong Kong to attend the camp. Among them,MissLin Wanran andMr.Li Xuanchen participated in the camp. During the 7-day study and exploration, the students gained knowledge, friendship and a better understanding of Oriental Pearl Hong Kong.

The Exchange Camp attracted young people from mainland China, the United States, Australia, Africa and other countries and regions to participate. In such a multi-cultural collision place as Sunshine International Exchange Camp, students shared their country's cuisine, exchanged their country's folklore and culture, told their country's story, and started an unforgettable journey with enthusiasm and sincerity.

At this place, there were various activities, such as passionate opening dances and cheerful songs, one-minute game challenge, nervous and exciting ice-breaking game, lectures on the success of improving efficiency, etc. At this place, students helped and encouraged each other, actively contributed to their own group, harvested friendship and joy, positively served and considered the feelings of others, and actively communicated with foreign volunteers. They also gained knowledge and improved oral and comprehensive qualities.

On the morning of July 21st, a closing ceremony was held to draw a successful conclusion for the Sunshine International Exchange Camp. In this week, the students changed from strangeers to friends, introverted to unrestrained. Everyone here make efforts to serve the team and everyone in the camp. The students left a wonderful memory here. The end of the camp is not a departure, but the beginning of a new journey!

Stepping into ILO and Training Global Leaders-International Labour Organization Training in Turin, Italy

From August 6th to 24th, 2018, the third "Developing Young Talents and Training a New Generation of Global Leaders" Summer Camp For University Students organized by the United Nations International Labour Organization(ILO) was held in Turin, Italy. Mr. Li Xuanchen, Mr. Zhang Zhenxuan and Mr. Huang Yinzhe from QMES participated in the summer camp with other 16 students from other schools of NPU. Besides NPU, there were also students from Nanjing University, Zhejiang University, China University of Science and Technology, Renmin University of China, Beijing Foreign Studies University, Southwest Jiaotong University, and Fuzhou University.

During their study in ILO, the students learned about knowledge of the United Nations, including the International Labour Organization, discussed decent work, green environment and other related issues, practiced the ability and knowledge of multicultural environmental work, personal emotional management, public management and enterprise management, simulated business activities, and enriched their knowledge structure.

In addition to the course, students visited several organizations of United Nations in Europe, such as FAO (World Food and Agriculture Organization), WHO (World Health Organization) and the United Nations Office at Geneva---the Palais des Nations.

This summer camp aimed to broaden the international horizon of contemporary Chinese college students and develop future leaders, it set up a rich curriculum content and enriched extra-curricular practice links, which had played a great role in promoting the training of international horizon of college students and their ability to serve in international organizations in the future.

Grounding in Innovative Practice and Exploring the Charm of Science - Queen Mary University of London Summer School in London

From July 29thto August 13rd, during a half-month study and practice, 40 students of QMES enrolled in 2017 have deeply experienced the British humanistic atmosphere, actively participated in international courses, explored innovative ideas, and explored the charm of science through cooperative practice.

During this period, the students visited the Nanoforce Center and listened to the frontier subject reports in the field of materials. They played an active role in guiding and promoting the establishment of the framework of discipline expertise, stimulating scientific research and practical exploration, rationally planning the development path, and promoting personal growth and development.

In the lab of the School of Materials and Engineering at QMUL, summer school students had an innovative experience of How to Make Good Chocolate. Under the guidance of the teacher, they constantly tried to melt and cool the chocolate repeatedly, poured it into a petri dish wrapped in foil paper and cooled it to make chocolate with different taste. In addition to experiencing the novelty and fun of chocolate, this lab course is more about cultivating students' rigorous experimental skills, teamwork, division of labor, and interest in academic exploration and scientific research.

In addition to theoretical lectures and discussions, the students completed two practical exercises at the lab of the School of Materials and Engineering at QMUL: Workshop Activity - Table Tidy, which focuses on the skills of the students, and Practical - Air Vehicle Manufacturing and Competition which emphasizes the ability to work in teams. Through these practices, the students exercised their hands-on ability and cooperative spirit, increased their experience, cultivated their interest, and went to excellence in the step-by-step exploration and practice.

In the summer vacation of 2018, QMES students went to England, Russia, Italy, Switzerland, Japan, Hong Kong and other countries and regions to study and practice in summer schools. In just a few weeks, students have carried out cutting-edge course learning, in-depth laboratory and enterprise visits and practices, experienced foreign cultures, and made international comparisons in life practice. They have gained a lot, which adds a strong touch to the picture of life.

Reporter:Members of QMES Summer School 2018

Photographer:Members of QMES Summer School 2018

Reviewer: Jie Kong
